About Claudia Russell, LCSW

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Growing up life was beautiful, messy and soul crushing. As time passed, and traumas piled I could no longer see the beauty; however, a deep yearning for order to my chaotic and shrinking world kept burning. Decades later I found my way into therapy, then something more profound led me to Raja Yoga meditation. These practices along with a diet of natural whole foods, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle healed my mind, body and soul. Today, these practices remain at the core of how I live and move through a peaceful and fulfilling life. 

My transformation was so profound it led me to my life's calling as a healer and coach. Today you'll find me immersed in deepening my skills as an IFS Level 2 trained and certified therapist, leading national and international workshop teaching others how to meditate the Heartfulness way, leading Gottman research-based relationship workshops, "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work," and creating wellness retreats to reset and recharge self and relationships.  

I’ve been a professional therapist for almost 2 decades. Obtained Master’s degree from Florida Atlantic University and continue to study various cutting edge healing modalities to sharpen effective outcome. A large part of my success is linked to a quest for learning and sharing. Currently undergoing specialized training in Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, with Dr. Geeta Arora, Breakthrough Precision Medicine whose gentle approach to dosing and healing is revolutionary with its patient-centered approach.  

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